Nabeel Qureshi Experiences 'Remarkable' Healing From Cancer!

Christian apologist, author and speaker Nabeel Qureshi, who has been battling an advanced stage stomach cancer, reported last week that his original tumor is completely gone. "What has happened is remarkable," he said in a vlog on Friday. "The primary mass of the tumor, what was in my stomach, is now gone."

Back when the cancer was discovered, Nabeel said the prognosis was "quite grim" and life-threatening. Now, it is a different story. Not only is the tumor gone, but the cancerous lymph nodes near his stomach are "all resolved as well." "This is a time of rejoicing for our family," he said, adding that the test results gave him a "huge, huge relief."

But his battle against cancer is not over yet.
Qureshi's stomach wall still showed increased glucose uptake in the scans, a tell tale sign of cancer. Plus, there is another lymph node far from his stomach that also seems to be cancerous.

"It is still enlarged and still taking a large amount of glucose, so they're still considering it actively cancerous. But it has decreased in size quite a bit, and it has decreased in glucose uptake," he said. "Long story short, some things have been totally healed, and the rest has been partially healed. There's no new tumor."

"I think I'm in the middle of a two-step healing right now," said Nabeel. "I think I'm also beginning to see God more clearly. Before this cancer, I saw God very carefully. In other words, I was very, very careful about my theology," Qureshi explained. "I didn't want to say or do anything that I wasn't a hundred percent sure about. But I'm beginning to realize that though we should do our theology and our scholarship that way, I don't think we should live our Christian life that way."

Keep praying for him! "We need to continue to pray. Thank you so much for all your continued prayers and love and your fasting … I'm just overwhelmed," Qureshi said. "This is a time to rejoice but then to get back at it to the next round of praying to the Lord, asking for healing. If you'd be so inclined, I'd really appreciate it."
Watch Nabeel's update below.

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