The real story of God & Satan

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. And soon after God surrounded Himself with angel.

No one had ever died. No one had ever dreamed about war everything was love. But then, there was an named Lucifer. Lucifer was the choir director in heaven and was the most beautiful angel God had ever made.

But something changed in Lucifer's heart and mind.

He began to question God and his laws "Why couldn't the angels all decide for themselves? Why should there be laws in the Universe?" He questioned. 

Then Lucifer become proud of his beauty and become proud of his own ideas and opinions, so then he wanted to become like "the most high GOD".

Lucifer began saying God was unfair. Then finally Lucifer accused God of being a tyrant, wicked and a selfish leader. Many angels succumbed to Lucifer and also began to question God.

God met with the angles and tried to persuade the angels the "righteousness" of Gods ways. But lucifers arguments were too clever and powerful. The angels could not see where all these arguments of Lucifer would lead.

One third of the angels chose to join Lucifer and then war broke out in Heaven. Lucifer and his angels were all cast out of heaven. Lucifer is now known as........


So then Satan realized he could never be in heaven ever again. Satan now wanted to steal, kill & destroy all human kind on earth and use people, music and all kinds of things to deceive you to drag as many people down to hell. God would someday have to bring sin to an end. But, God could not do it while His love and reputation were questioned.

God would have to prove His love through the terrible experience of sin till the very end.
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