Evangelist DGS Dinakaran Passed Away

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Well-known evangelist DR. D.G.S. Dhinakaran passed away on 20th of Feb 2008 at the age of 73. The long-time friend of The Christian Broadcasting Network and Dr. M.G. "Pat" Robertson is known for huge evangelistic crusades along with his Jesus Calls ministry.

Dhinakaran, considered by many of his peers as the "apostle of this age to India", was known for holding powerful prayer rallies guided by the Holy Spirit, where he'd call out the names of people who were in the crowd, reveal their exact needs, and minister directly to them.

Dhinakaran was joined by Robertson at one rally not long after the beginning of the new millenium in Hyderabad, India, where they ministered to 500,000 people. He also worked closely with Robertson through the years in establishing CBN ministries in India.

The Indian evangelist's biography tells of a 20-year-old young man caught in poverty and unemployment at the point of taking his life. On his way to throw himself in front of a speeding train, he was stopped by his uncle who introduced him to Jesus Christ. He said an immediate peace overwhelmed him, and he went home with hope and a new purpose for his life.

The young Dhinakaran worked at a bank and ended up becoming a top executive for the company. Yet he had a heart for ministry that compelled him to start the Jesus Calls ministry.
Later, he had a vision of the Lord Jesus appearing to him, asking him to train lay people like himself to reach the people of his nation and other parts of Asia with the good news of the Gospel.

Later he started radio and television ministries across India. He also started other ministries related to Jesus Calls ministry, wrote books, and influenced many people in all walks of life for God.

Watch The 700 Club Wednesday for more on the ministry of this man of faith, and for comments by Pat Robertson on the passing of his dear friend.
The whole world is Shocked to hear about Bro.DGS Dhinakaran's Dead
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  1. can any one corroborate this newz please?...as the same is not reflected on their website: http://www.jesuscalls.org/profile/dgs.asp

  2. He gave me a good education through karunya Institute of Technology.. now i am in a very Good company with a very high salary that i never expected.. it is all because of uncle. One day when i come to heaven i will see you uncle. May he rest in peace from the troubles and sorrows of this world.

  3. He is a gift to our nation from Our Heavenly Father. May he rest in Peace. My condolences to his family.

  4. I'm deeply depressed the Man of God has left us. The Great Apostle of Christ has left not only India, the whole world. I'm very much worried. My tears rolls down the cheeks. Anybody is there in my stage, please console yourself. Our dear uncle has not left us, he has gone to meet our loving father and saviour Jesus Christ!! Even we would go that place one day!! Be prepared. And make other's to get prepared...

  5. Date & Day is wrong.Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran passed away on the 20th of Februray 2008 and not as stated.

    Please visit www.prayertoweronline.org


    I praise God for the life of this great apostle who was at the crutches of death many times in his life, yet was victorious in GOd. A man after God's own heart! He moved with the compassion of Jesus and the fire anointing of the Holy Spirit. Let us rejoice for his life and carry the baton of the gospel of Jesus Christ with a greater Urgency! He finished his race faithfully! Dare we leave ours Unfinished!

  7. He is a gift to our nation from Our Heavenly Father. May he rest in Peace. My condolences to his family.

  8. He changed the lives of 1000s..may his soul rest in peace of his good deeds..dedication towards christ will be the best condolense for him..

  9. I am also a student from karunya and will really miss uncle....what Karunya is today is only because of uncle DGS...He has been an abundant source to millions of people all over the world and especially the karunyans. If He is no more in the world today, it's a great loss for all of us..We love you alot and really miss you uncle...I know you are seated in the Kingdom of God still praying for all those who are not saved as yet....our love n condolences to our dear Aunty Stella, Paul Annan, Evangeline Akka, Sam, Sharon and sweety

  10. our nation lost a wonderful father .He change many people life due his prayer and songs.My condolence to his family

  11. Mary Babu said:
    The christain family has lost a good shepherd given to the world by our HEAVENLY FATHER. My heart felt condolence to his family members.May he rest in peace.May GOD console his family.

  12. He is a gift to our nation from our Heavenly Father.May he rest Peace.My condolences to his family

  13. iam also a student of karunya university and will really miss u uncle..v have lost our spiritual father..but still i know tat u are enjoying wit ANGEL AKKA..my heart felt condolence to our dear PAUL ANNA,EVANGELINE AKKA,BELOVED STELLA AUNTY,BRO SAM,SIS SHARON AND SWEETY(seeni sakkarai)..

  14. Such a wonderful man... i never met him... hopefully i will meet him in the afterlife in second heaven or may be third heaven

  15. Previuos day I had a dream that St.joseph and some other saints coming to earth and taking one from here and going back. Very next day I heard this news.

    Glory to God our Lord Jesus Christ.

